Translation of Image Gently Resources - Posters and Brochures

Call for Translations:  Over the past few years, the Image Gently Alliance has developed 8 posters representing various campaigns, which have been presented at the European Congress of Radiology and a variety of other venues.  Originally developed in English, these posters have presented various aspects of pediatric imaging upon which Image Gently has provided guidance and information.  Through this advocacy, the Alliance mission is to improve safe and effective imaging care of children worldwide. Thus, we are putting out this call for translations.  The Alliance would appreciate translation into any language understood by a good number of individuals interested in the material including but not limited to Arabic, Bengali, traditional Chinese, French, and Hindi.  The posters have already been or are currently in the process of being translated into Portuguese, Russian, Romanian, Simple Chinese, Farsi, and Spanish.  Alliance educational materials are always free and available for use by individuals or local organizations.  Those interested in assisting the Alliance in this effort, especially as organizational or societal liaisons (and translations then can be cobranded) should contact us for further information.  One campaign poster is shown as an example. To view more, visit the Posters Page. 


The Image Gently Alliance is grateful for the translation from English by the individual or organization/society credited for the translation. The Alliance makes translations freely available but does not take responsibility for the accuracy of these translations.

International Alliance Organizations

Argentine Federation of Associations of Radiology, DX Imaging and Radiotherapy      
International Radiation Protection Association
Asian-Oceanic Society for Paediatric Radiology
International Society of Radiographers and Radiologic Technologists
Asia-Oceania Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics
International Society of Radiology
Australian & New Zealand Society for Paediatric Radiology
Italian Association of Medical Physics
Australian Institute of Radiography
Italian Association of Radiographers
Brazilian Society of Pediatrics
Brazilian College of Radiology
British Institute of Radiology
New Zealand Institute of Medical Radiation Technology
British Society of Paediatric Radiology
Portuguese Health Physics Society
College of Radiology, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia
Pediatric Society of Paraná - Brazil

European Academy of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology
Radiation Protection Authority of Zimbabwe
European Federation of Radiographers Societies
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists
European Society of Paediatic Radiology
Sociedad Española de Protección Radiológica
FDI World Dental Federation
Sociediad Latino Americano de Radiologia Pediatrica
Federal Agency for Nuclear Control
Sociedad Mexicana De Radiologia E Imagen
Indian Society of Paediatric Radiology
Society and College of Radiographers
International Association of Dento-Maxillo Facial Radiology
Society of Radiographers of Trinidad and Tobago
International Atomic Energy Agency
Southeast Asia Federation of Organizations for  Medical Physics;
International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements
World Federation of Paediatric Imaging (WFPI)




                Euro Safe Imaging - Logo Image Safely - Logo

LATIN SAFE Pediatria - Logo

International Radiation Protection News

Read the latest International Society of Radiology Quality and Safety Alliance (ISRQSA) News

ISRQSA News Supplement, January 2016 ISRQSA News Supplement, January 2016
Quality News, July 2015 Quality News, July 2015
ISR Led and co-organized a World Health Assembly (WHA) side event ISR Led and co-organized a World Health Assembly (WHA) side event
WHO-ICRQS Referrel Guidelines Project IRQN WHO-ICRQS Referrel Guidelines Project IRQN "Referral Guidelines for Diagnostic Imaging"
Radiological Safety and Quality Radiological Safety and Quality - Paradigms in Leadership and Innovation
Quality News, January 2015 Quality News, January 2015


International Activities Update





World Health Organization (WHO)



It is a pleasure to inform you that on April 30, 2016, during the Jornades Paulistas de Radiologia (JPR) held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the LatinSAFE Alliance was officially launched. Read more here.....

International Activities Archive

May 30, 2014 - Health Management Volume 14 Issue 2, 2014 focuses on paediatrics and contains many interesting articles for review.

August 26, 2010 - The International Atomic Energy Agency announces significant updates to its Radiation Protection for Patients website.

August 7, 2010 - This week the European Commission adopted the Communication on medical application of ionizing radiation and security of supply of radioisotopes for nuclear medicine.